move berlim 2009
The fourth festival for contemporary Brazilian dance in Berlin
the last three years, the Núcleo de Criação
do Dirceu, a powerful dance and theater movement has developed
under the direction of choreographer Marcelo Evelin in Teresina,
the capital city of Piauí, the hot interior of Brazil’s
Northeastern region. Evelin is exemplary for a young generation
of artists who are opposing the incrusted political and social
realities with great zeal and new models for creative artistic
Marcelo Evelin / Demolition Inc. will be opening this
year’s festival with Bull Dancing / urro de omi boi. The
piece deals with the local rituals and reactionary social situation
in the Northeast. Three works from young dancer-choreographers
will also be shown from the studio in Teresina.
The subjects of reconstruction, dance history, the culture of memory and dance archives will play an important role. The Companhia de Dança da Cidade from the dance department of the UniverCidade Rio de Janeiro will reconstruct Brazil’s essential choreographies from the last 30 years. The cooperation between move berlim and Tanzplan Deutschland will enable the exchange and transfer of knowledge between Brazilian and German scholars.
Subjects in this year’s festival include the field of interaction between the fine arts and dance, biographic approaches, the discussion relating to gender politics in Northeastern Brazil, the ironic / critical approach to the perception of dance on stage and artistic work with disabled and non-disabled performers.
For the first time at move berlim Brazilian artists living in Berlin will present their work in the framework of a further premiere: the Long Night of Opera and Theater.
Lectures and discussions among dance scholars and artists as well as workshops occurring in cooperation with the Tanzfabrik Berlin provide additional forms of access to Brazilian dance.
We are happy that move berlim is being sponsored by Germany’s Federal Cultural Foundation, the Brazilian Ministry of Culture and the national cultural foundation Fundação Nacional de Artes – FUNARTE. We are also very pleased that Sérgio Mamberti is once again the festival’s patron and the Hebbel am Ufer its coproducer and venue.
Brasil move berlim!
Wagner Carvalho, Björn Dirk
This year, the fourth edition of MOVE BERLIM is developing and securing new visions for a productive relationship between Brazil and Germany through dance; it has already strengthened the cultural bonds between our two countries in the past.
This year our primary partner will be our national cultural foundation FUNARTE - Fundação Nacional de Artes, an institution over which I presently preside that is associated with the Brazilian Cultural Ministry. FUNARTE will cover the flight costs for our artists involved in this project, standard procedure since 2003.
For the next festival we hope that, in addition to the Brazilian contemporary dance companies showing in Berlin, we can count on German companies to perform, do workshops and accept residencies in Brazil. This would give the project’s founding idea of international cultural exchange all the more facets and increase its effectiveness.
It is my great pleasure and honor to remain patron of this important festival. I would like to thank the German government for their interest in giving Brazilian culture an increasingly large forum of expression.
My thanks go to Wagner Carvalho, Dirk Schlüter and the entire team from move berlim. Their tremendous energy is a great contribution to the success of this endeavor.
Long live MOVE BERLIM!
Sérgio Mamberti
President of the national art foundation FUNARTE