HAU 2: 20th / 21st April, 8.00 pm

Denise Stutz

»3 Solos em um tempo«

German premier / Talk with the audience: 21st April, after the performance

Denis Stutz creates a concentrated space with a combination of humility and her own personal intensity. In this reflection on three of her earlier works, DeCor (2003) [By Heart], Absolutamente Só (2005) [Absolutely Alone] and Estudo para Impressões (2007) [Study of Impressions], she investigates whether memory is imprinted in her body and how her identity is influenced by movement, dance and the setting in scene of these three solos. She plays with space and time by melding these three works into one.

Denise Stutz is one of the influential personalities of contemporary dance in Brazil. She is co-founder of Grupo Corpo, Lia Rodrigues’ associate and an excellent teacher for dancers and actors. She choreographs her own works and performs as a dancer and actress.

Text, Direction, Dance: Denise Stutz / Music: Claire de Lune - Claude Debussy / Set Design and Light: Keller Veiga / Set Design Assistance: Michelly Ferreira and Guilherme Stutz / Production: Fomenta

Denise Stutz began her dance career in Belo Horizonte. In 1972, she joined the ensemble Grupo Transforma under the artistic direction of Marilene Martins, where she worked with the choreographers Oscar Araiz, Klauss Vianna, Clyde Morgan, Sonia Mota, Graciela Figueroa, Rolf Gelewski and Angel Vianna, among others. 1975, she founded the ensemble Grupo Corpo together with 10 other dancers, which she was a part of until 1986.

1987 she moved to Rio de Janeiro, where the choreographer Rainer Vianna invited her to dance the piece " Movimento cinco mulheres" (Five Women Movement).

1990 she joined the dance company of Lia Rodrigues, where she worked as a dancer, trainer and assistant director. She remained a member of the group until 2000. Parallel to this, she taught at the Escola Angel Vianna for ten years.

For several years she worked together with the theatre director Celina Sodré, during the course of which she performed in her productions "Ispirituincarnadu" (Incarnated Ghost) (2000), " William Wilson" (2001) and "Cinema Karamazov" (2002).

She worked with Cristina Moura and Gustavo Ciriaco. She presented her first solo piece "DeCor" (a play on words: Décor/set and By Heart), which was praised as one of the highlights of the festival Panorama Rio Arte de Dança 2003 by the scientist Beatriz Serbino (Jornal do Brasil) and the dance pedagoge and critic Roberto Pereira (Jornal do Brasil).

She showed her solo "DeCor" in Rio de Janeiro, Madrid, Uberlândia (Minas Gerais) and in Kap Verde. In Madrid and Kap Verde, she also gave workshops for dancers and actors. She also worked as a choreographer for the fantasty mini series " Hoje é dia de Maria" of the TV channel TV Globo. Furthermore, she worked for the ensemble Corpo de dança da Maré.

She premiered her solo piece "Absolutamente Só" (Absolutely Alone) and toured with it in Brasil, to Ouro Preto, Araraguara and Florianópolis. The choreographer Nathalie Collants invited her to work in France, at the choreography centre in Angers. Furthermore, she gave workshops in Freiburg, Florianópolis and Paris.

She took part in the project Homopoliticus Version Rio de Janeiro, unter the direction of the Spanish director Fernando Renjifo. The production was invited to the Telemar-Theater in Rio de Janeiro in April and May of the same year. She also worked as a director for the theatre ensemble Humbú. During the Festival de inverno in Ouro Preto, she gave a workshop for students of the university of performing arts. In September, she showed her solo pieces "DeCor" and "Absolutamente Só". In November, she toured to the Centro Helenico in Mexico with the project Homopoliticus and also showed a performance with interpreters of the project from Madrid and Mexico.

She worked as a director and choreographer with the dancer Andrea Bergalo, as part of the solo programme “Solos do Sesc” of the cultural institute Sesc and went to Madrid (Casa Encendida), Bilbao and Valencia with the project Homopoliticus. In Madrid, she also presented her solo "Estudo para Impressões" (Study of Impressions). In April, she worked in the Menagerie de Verre in Paris with the choreographer Nathalie Collants. The theatre ensemble Piolin invited her to the 30-year anniversary of the ensemble with "Estudo Para Impressões" and organised a workshop with her. This solo was also invited to the international dance forum in Belo Horizonte, FID, in the months of October and November.

She worked as a director and choreographer to develop the most recent production of the ensemble Meia Ponta (Minas Gerais): “De esquecer para lembrar" (Forgetting in order to Remember). The piece premiered in March. Furthermore, she had the premiere of the production "3 solos em 1 tempo" (3 solos in 1) in Porto Alegre. This show then toured to Rio de Janeiro, Goiânia and Madrid. She also gave a workshop in Barcelona.