HAU 3: 21st April, 9.00 pm, 22nd April, 8.00 pm
(Double bill with Assis / Paccelli Horta)

Renata Ferreira / Fauller

»Produto de 1ª«

European Premier / Talk with the audience: 22nd April, after the performance

The dancers Renata Ferreira from the state of Minas Gerais and Fauller from Ceará communicate via a series of amateur videos about their experiences in foreign countries. Their bodies travel and dance throughout the world, where they seek contact with other people.

Is it possible to perceive these artists behind the stereotypes and their exotic image?

This installation began as an investigation into the relationship between center and periphery, in which an ironic questioning of the points of view always takes place.

Direction, Concept, Performance: Fauller and Renata Ferreira / Music: Ryoji Ikeda / Photography: Marcello Holanda, Wilenaina Barros / Light and technical direction: Fabio Oliveira / Video: André Moura Lopes, Andréa Maciel, Carlos Antonio dos Santos, Daniel Miracle, Fauller, Renata Ferreira, Valéria Pinheiro, Wilenaina Barros and Willian Strong / Studio-takes in: Fortaleza, Belo Horizonte / Exterior takes in: Fortaleza, Rio de Janeiro, Paris and New York / Videos: Tanto Design

This piece was developed as part of the Colaboratório Project, which was realized by the Festival Panorama de Dança (RJ), co-organised by Artsadmin (London), Theater Institut (Prag) and the Festival Alkantara (Lissabon), FID – Fórum Internacional de Dança (MG), Bienal de Dança do Ceará and the French General Consulate (RJ). The project was supported by the EU programme KULTUR 2000.

Renata Ferreira / Fauller

Renata Ferreira has been commuting between New York and Minas Gerais in Brazil since 2003, where she produces solo pieces and collaborations with other choreographers. She studied classical and modern dance in Varginha, São Paulo and Belo Horizonte. In Belo Horizonte, she participated in the production of various pieces of the Grupo Experimental de Dança do Palácio das Artes as a co-author and dancer: Mutatis Mutantis by Arnaldo Alvarenga, Uma Canção para Lucky (A Song for Lucky), Dias de Água (Water Days), Muitos Anos de Vida (A Long Life) by Tarcisio Ramos, Drom by Isabelle Drufon, as well as Corpo Instável (Unstable Body) by Tarcisio Ramos and Ana Virginia Guimarães.

Between 1998 and 2002, she was a member of the Club Ur= H0r, under the direction of Adriana Banana. Here, she was also involved in the development of the piece Magazin. In 2000, she performed in Corpo Emprestado (Borrowed Body), a production of the ensemble VIS. 2001, she produced the duet Gráfico, in collaboration with Gabriela Christofaro, which was performed in the solo version in the Springdance/preview festival in Utrecht in 2002.

She developed her first solo Estudo sobre o tempo (Study about time) in 2002, with the aid of a research scholarship by the international dance forum FID, as part of the Territorio Minas scholarship program. This piece was presented 2002 and 2008, as part of the FID, and in 2002 during the festival Panorama Rio Arte de Dança. In the same year, she received the CAPES-Apartes scholarship from the Brazilian government to fund her dance studies in New York.

Together with Thembi Rosa, she developed the duet Regra de Dois (Rule of Two) in 2006. Currently, she is working on the solo Corpos voláteis (Flying/Ephemeral Bodies).

began studying dance in 1997 at the 1st Ceará Dance Biennale. In 1999, he was already working as a dancer in the Colégio de Dança do Ceará (Dance College of Ceará), where he began his choreographic research in the year 2000.

One year later, he premiered his first piece: “Um Momento Delicado” (A Special Moment). The piece and the accompanying video of the piece were presented at the 3rd Ceará Dance Biennale and the 12th Ceará Filmfestival. Soon after “Cabaret Imagem” followed.

The Compagnie DITA was founded in 2003 with the premiere of the piece “De-vir”.

In 2005 Fauller created the piece “INC.“, which was considered in SECULT’s call for proposals for the Advancement of Culture and was taken under contract by the French company Association fin novembre. That same year saw the premiere of the piece “Cover” under the direction of Rachid Ouramdane. Fauller also contributed to the montage of “Mauvais Genre” under director Alain Buffard at the 4th Ceará Dance Biennale.

Over the last three years, he has established himself as a dancer and choreographer in Brazil and Europe, showing his own creations and participating in projects of other choreographers, such as Rachid Ouramdane, Alain Buffard and Gary Stevens.

Fauller was a guest of move berlim in 2007 with his piece De-Vir.