move berlim - 4th Festival for contemporary Brasilian dance, 16th – 26th April 2009

Patronage: Sérgio Mamberti, President of the Fundação Nacional de Artes
Idea, Concept, Artistic Direction: Wagner Carvalho
Co-Direction: Björn Dirk Schlüter
Organizer: Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH
Management BKV: Moritz van Dülmen
In co-production with Hebbel am Ufer
In cooperation with: Goethe Institut, Tanzfabrik Berlin and Tanzplan Deutschland

move berlim – Büro
c/o Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH
Tel:+ 49 - 30 - 247 497 94
Fax: + 49 - 30 - 247 497 10
Press office: + 49 - 30 - 259 004 38

Production Management: ehrliche arbeit – freies Kulturbüro
Technical Direction: Maximilian Stelzl
Public Relations: Kirsten Hehmeyer (HAU)
Collaboration Lectures / Discussions: Dr. Cláudio Cajaiba
Assistance of Artistic Direction: Sylvia Erse Keller
Assistance of Production: Nora Gores
Assistance of Technical Direction: Benjamin Schälicke
Assistance of Public Relations: Jana Burbach
Team-Assistance: Lia Imenes Ishida, Carla Bessa
Coordination Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH: Katrin Dohne
Video Documentary: Merit Fakler
Program Editing: Björn Dirk Schlüter, Sylvia Erse Keller, Jana Burbach
Design / Festival:
Translation: Dr. Ute Hermanns, Dr. Cláudio Cajaiba, Sylvia Erse Keller, Christopher Langer, Katja Roloff
Simultaneous Translation: Dr. Ute Hermanns, Sarita Brandt
Website Design: and

Thanks to: Angel Vianna (Faculdade Angel Vianna), Grupo Hibridus (ENARTCi), Letícia Nabuco e Renata Rodrigues (Diversão & Arte), Prof. Dra. Susi Martinelli, Prof. Dra. Valéria Figueiredo (UFG), Luciana Ribeiro, Adriano Bittar, Arthur Marques, Angela Navarro, Ana Cristina Marques, Prof. Dr. Guilherme Schülze (UFPB), Wagner Heineck, Erivelton Viana, Regina Veloso e Klayton Amorim (Núcleo de Criação do Dirceu), Prof. Dr. Roberto Pereira (UniverCidade), Katja Gualter (UFRJ), Prof Dra. Eliana Rodrigues, Prof. Dra. Dulce Aquino (UFBA), Eduardo Bonito e Nayse López (Festival Panorama), Arnaldo Siqueira (Festival de Dança do Recife), Prof. Dra. Júlia Ziviani e Angela Nolf (UNICAMP), Silvia Geraldi (Anhembi Morumbi), Prof. Dra. Christine Greiner (PUC/SP), Carminha Góngora, Jana Binder, Dr. Wolfgang Bader (Goethe Institut/SP), Paulo Mattos, Susanne Winther, Celia Winther Pereira, Christopher Iwata, Ricardo de Paula, Madeline Ritter, Ingo Diehl, Matthias Lilienthal, Moritz van Dülmen, Katrin Dohne, Hortensia Völckers, Lavinia Francke, Prof. José Reis, Sônia Terra, Prof. Zozilena Fros (UFPI), Roberto Freitas, Sérgio Mamberti, Leonel Brum (FUNARTE), Mônica Lira, Márcio Meirelles, Lúcia Matos, Marcos Moraes, Graziela Montoanelli (Acervo Mariposa), Prof. Dr. Erika Fischer-Lichte, Prof. Dr. Gabriele Brandstetter (FU), Dr. Yvonne Hardt, Christa Flaig, Sônia Mota, Inês Bogéa, Carmen Luz.

Funded by: Kulturstiftung des Bundes (Federal Cultural Foundation), Fundação Nacional de Artes and Ministério da Cultura do Brasil (Cultural Ministry of Brazil)

Photo Credits:
Parties / Festas: 17th April / 25th April: Björn Dirk Schlüter
Photo of Björn-Dirk Schlüter and Wagner Carvalho: Tatiana Garcias
Marcelo Evelin / Demolition Inc., Teresina / Amsterdam: 16th / 17th April »Bull Dancing / urro de omi boi«: S. Caddah
Lectures and Discussions: 17th April »Dance Today – The Traces of Tradition«
(left photo): Acervo RecorDança
(right photo): Marcelo Lyra

DI cia. de dança, Macaé: 17th / 18th April »Procedimentos de um Pseudópodo – a coreografia«: Jamilson de Almeida

Lectures and Discussions: 18th April »Art, Integration and Equality – a never ending definition«
(left photo): Jamilson de Almeida
(right photo): Wagner Carvalho

Núcleo de Criação do Dirceu, Teresina: 18th / 19th April
(1st side, left photo): Björn Dirk Schlüter
(1st side, right photo, »Corpo Manual«, 2nd side, »2 Heterogêneo«, »Sobre Ossos e Robôs«): Nilmar Lage

Dimenti, Salvador / Bahia: 19th / 20th April »Mulher Gorila«: Carlos Barral

Denise Stutz, Rio de Janeiro: 20th / 21st April »3 solos em um tempo«: Marta Azparren

Margô Assis / Eugênio Paccelli Horta, Belo Horizonte: 21st / 2nd April »Desenho«: Margô Assis

Renata Ferreira / Fauller, Belo Horizonte / Fortaleza: 21st / 22nd April »Produto de 1ª«: Marcello Holanda

Dimenti, Salvador / Bahia: 23rd / 24th April »Tombé«: Mariana David

Lectures and Discussions: 23rd April »Dance, Instruction and Cultural Engagement«
(left photo): Silvio da Costa Pereira
(right photo): Aldren Lincoln

Companhia de Dança da Cidade, Rio de Janeiro: 24th, 26th April »Danças de Repertório«
(left and right photos): Adilson Machado
(centre): Elisa Guerra

Lectures and Discussions: 24th April »The Legacies of Dance: The One and the Many in Belo Horizonte and Recife«
(left photo): Ianinni
(right phto): Roberta Ramos

The Long Night of Opera and Theater, HAU 1: 25th April: Companhia de Dança da Cidade, Rio de Janeiro
(background photo): Adilson Machado
(inside photo, left): Mauro Kury
(inside photo, right): Wagner Carvalho

The Long Night of Opera and Theater, HAU 2: 25th April
(background photo): Ricardo Prado
(inside photo, left): Elma Rizza
(inside photo, right): João Paglione

Lectures and Discussions: 25th April »The Contemporary Dance Repertoire and Memory as a Tool for the Reconstruction of Choreographic Works«
(left and centre photos): Adilson Machado
(right photo): Mauro Kury


Luiz de Abreu ATELIÊ DE COREÓGRAFOS BRASILEIROS, SÃO PAULO / SALVADOR: 12. - 13. April, (Festivaleröffnung)
»Máquina de Desgastar Gente«: Andrea Viana

Performance / Gespräch: 14. April, Performance: »Luxo de Cú com Corpo Nú« Mit Fafá Carvalho, Gui Alcântara / Konzept, Regie: Luiz de Abreu:
(Foto links): Marcia Foletto
(Foto rechts): Björn Dirk Schlüter

Vorträge + Gespräch: 15. April, »Belém do Pará, Fortaleza, Porto Alegre: diferentes danças?«
Björn Dirk Schlüter

Vorträge + Gespräch: 16. April, »Matrizes culturais de dança no Brasil: identificação ou transgressão?«
(Foto links): Renato Delarole
(Foto Mitte): Andrea Viana
(Zeichnung): Luciana Barbeiro

Vorträge + Gespräch: 21. April, » Dança e cidadania: experiências das cidades de Araraquara e Macaé«
(Foto rechts): Björn Dirk Schlüter
(Foto links): Wagner Carvalho

QUASAR - COMPANHIA DE DANÇA, GOIÂNIA: 13. - 15. April, »Uma história invisível«
Mila Petrillo

Debora 70

CIA. DITA / FAULLER, FORTALEZA: 17. - 18. April, »De-vir«
Lia de Paula

Ricardo Marinelli: 18. - 19. April, »Eu tenho autorização da polícia para ficar pelado aqui«
(Foto Mitte): Wagner Carvalho
(Foto rechts): Couve-flor
(Foto links): Lauro Borges

ÂNGELO MADUREIRA / ANA CATARINA VIEIRA, RECIFE / SÃO PAULO: 19. - 20. April, »Outras Formas« / »Como?« - Lecture
Gil Grossi

MEMBROS CIA. DE DANÇA, MACAÉ: 20. - 22. April, »Raio X«
Croma Imagem

MEMBROS CIA. DE DANÇA, MACAÉ 21.-22. April, »Meio Fio«
Jorge Fabian Castillo

Gica Alioto
Larissa Mundim