1 Hip-Hop in Dialogue with Brazilian Forms of Physical Expression
April 10 – 13
with: João Carlos Silva, Membros Cia. De Dança
level 1/ beginners 5 pm – 7 pm
level 2/ advanced stage 7.30 pm – 9.30 pm
Rhythm and movements
from Street Dance/Hip-Hop, at the crossroads of funk style, b.boyin‘ and
Brazilian dances such as Capoeira, are the contents of this workshop. – João
Carlos Silva, dancer with Membros cia. De dança. He trained
at Centro de Estudos do Movimento Hip-Hop (CIEM-h2) in Macaé in
the technique of b.boyin’ and has toured with the group in
over ten countries.
Ort: Tanzfabrik Berlin, Studio 2,
Möckernstraße 68,
10965 Berlin
weitere Infos: www.tanzfabrik-berlin.de
2 »Authorship-Dance« - Possible Ways of Taking One’s Own Existence as a Basis for Storytelling
April 23 – 27
with Luiz de Abreu
A common approach in contemporary dance is the search for identity and its utilization as basis for the development of form. The workshop will examine the body as potential, as a medium to reveal its political, historical and sexual character: body and life of the participants will act as the starting point. – Personal stories will be the raw material for the creation of performances. The workshop would like to encourage the participants to reflect on our conditions as artists, on our identity and our place in the world.
3 1. Part: Signs – Possibilities Applied to Choreographic
2. Part: Physical Preparation for Dance
April 23 – 27
with Taís Vieira, Paulo Azevedo – Membros cia. De
The course will demonstrate a method relevant for the rehearsal
process of Membros cia. de dança: the practice of creative
process and bodywork. In the first part, the choreographer will
introduced her own method of signs for the choreographic processes
and based thereon explain the Compagnie Membros’ most important
form of composition. In the second part of the workshop alternative
forms of training will be presented and tried. Aside from physical-physiological
concepts, the focus will also be laid on creativity in the development
of exercises.
venue: Hochschulübergreifendes Zentrum Tanz, dance studio
Podewils'schen Palais,
Klosterstraße 68,
10179 Berlin