

4 (different) performances + 1 lecture: 45 €

HAU 1: Luiz de Abreu
Stalls row A –5 , 1st Circle, row 1: 20 €
Stalls row 6 –10 / 1st Circle, row 2– 4: 15 €
2nd Circle, row : 1– 6: 10 €
reduced: 8 €

HAU 1: Ângelo Madureira, Ana Catarina Vieira
Stalls row A –5 / 1st Circle, row: 15 €
Stalls row 6 –10 / 1st Circle, row 2– 4: 10 €
reduced: 6 €

HAU 2: Quasar
row 1– 4: 15 €
rest of the rows: 10 € / reduced: 8 €

HAU 2: all other performances
12 € / reduced: 6 €

performance: 10 € / reduced: 6 €
lecture: 3 € (no reduction)

Hallesches Ufer 32, 10963 Berlin - Kreuzberg
Open daily 12:00 –19:00 / box office
Tickets - Telephone: 030 –259 004 –27
Online Ticket Ordering:
The box office at the venues HAU 1, HAU 2 and HAU 3
Open an hour prior to the performances.



HAU 1: Stresemannstraße 29, 10963 Berlin - Kreuzberg
HAU 2: Hallesches Ufer 32, 10963 Berlin - Kreuzberg
HAU 3: Tempelhofer Ufer 10, HH, 10963 Berlin - Kreuzberg
U Hallesches Tor / U Möckernbrücke / S Anhalter Bahnhof